Monday 1 October 2012

VIDEO WATCHING: Who's afraid of the dark?

Stanley and his pets all want to get to sleep, but Stanley keeps hearing mysterious noises. His mom assures him that there is nothing to be afraid of, but Stanley remains convinced that he's hearing a scary monster. He knows that owls can see in the dark and wonders how they do it. He seeks the answer in The Great Big Book of Everything in the hope that it will help him to spot the monster so everyone can finally get some sleep.


1.   VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONS TO REMEMBER. Try to explain the meaning of these words and expressions or give a synonym:
      Sleep tight:
      To be scared of:
      To be startled:
      Here goes nothing:
      Night light:
      To get some sleep:

2.    The cat says: “’I’m as brave as a tigress. I’m scared of nothing”. Can you finish these sentences with a suitable animal?

     To be as fast as …
     To be as lazy as …
     To be as dangerous as …
     To be as slow as  …
      To be as tall as  …
     To be as big as  

3.   Can you remember three facts about owls?

4.    Answer these questions:

      Where does the sound of the tiger come from?
      What is Stanley’s favourite tape?
        Why is Stanley’s mum scared when she opens the closet?
      What are the three sounds that scared Stanley?

5.    Stanley’s mum says: “When you hear scary noises at night there’s usually a simple explanation”. Can you think of some examples?

The sound looks like… 
but it really is…
- A ghost dragging its sheet
- someone sweeping the floor.

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